Hello World!

"A House for Everyone in Thailand and Morocco" Byways, not highways Of Soft-Porn, Sheikhs, and Dunes

Of Soft-Porn, Sheikhs, and Dunes (Iran-hitchhiking-solo female)

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


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Monday, January 11, 2016

The cornucopia

David Bowie's last release, Lazarus, was 'parting gift' for fans in carefully planned finale

The producer of Blackstar confirms David Bowie had planned his poignant final message, and videos and lyrics show how he approached his death

With her tawdry belongings, his bathroom became cluttered. her combs, her hairpins, her curling iron, mingled with his crested toilet set. She even used his brushes, his nail buffers....

Success isn't arbitrary case, you can see some winner had pulled it out of stretch and the others have not,....to views , it is called integrity of resolution.